Ladies and Gentlemen, Sally O’Malley

For those who are close to me, this is no surprise. It has been a LONG time coming. I’ve loved Sally O’Malley since I first saw the Molly Shannon SNL skit back in high school. It was specifically the one featuring Sean Hayes as a fashion designer putting on a runway show. For those familiar with the character, I’m sure you can imagine the scene – Sally O’Malley busts in, telling the world she isn’t “one of them gals like likes to hide her age!” Then proceeds to KICK and STRETCH and strut all over the place.

Already a fan of Shannon’s, I was immediately obsessed and memorized almost every line of the skit then proceeded to perform it for anyone who would watch. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve proclaimed that “I’M FIFTY!” or told someone about my the “easy-rider” (you slip it on Monday and riiiide it through the rest of the week thanks to a touch of Febreeze). One thing I can tell you is in lieu of a speech, I did it for a large crowd at my mother’s wedding a couple of years ago. Yeah, it’s definitely become somewhat of a theme in my life.

Well, this year, I finally did it. I was Sally O’Malley for Halloween. And it felt SO RIGHT. I seriously thought about wearing my get-up to the gym and gettin’ after it on the treadmill like a lady who is A HALF A CENTURY would! What do you think about that, soldiers?